Post 16 courses:

Students can study A Level and other Level 3 courses as a Knightsfield student in our adjoining mainstream Sixth Form, Monk’s Walk School or within the Welwyn & Hatfield Consortium of schools. Alternatively, for more vocational courses at Level 1, 2 and 3, Knightsfield students can study at Oaklands College (St Albans and Welwyn Campuses):

Welwyn & Hatfield Consortium

Oaklands College

Students are supported, when required, by our note takers in other settings. We also embrace technology in order to provide the best notes possible to allow our students to concentrate on listening to the lesson content, safe in the knowledge that comprehensive notes will be taken for them.

To supplement this, post-16 students are required to spend at least one day at Knightsfield where a bespoke programme will be put in place which may include:

  • Continued Deaf Awareness and Deaf Identity sessions to encourage independence
  • Careers advice and PSHCE
  • Support for Post-16 coursework and examinations
  • Support for the retaking of GCSE English or maths examinations (if necessary)
  • Preparation for adulthood
  • Work experience

This is in line with the government’s 16-19 study programme requirements, as attached – 16-19 Study Programme Guide for Providers

Entry Requirements

Theses are dependent on the requirements established within the consortium and at Oaklands College. We will ensure that the chosen pathway is challenging and realistic for every student. The different courses on offer and details of the entry requirements for them, can be found on the links below:

Oaklands College Courses

Welwyn & Hatfield Consortium Courses and Entry Requirements


Benefits of a package of support from Knightsfield School

  • Teacher of the deaf expertise in subject areas
  • Speech and Language therapy sessions
  • Notetaker support in college or school
  • Follow up sessions with notetaker
  • Advice and support to maintain development of listening skills
  • For students who have previously attended Knightsfield School, the school has a good knowledge of the individual student and their language and learning needs
  • Deaf awareness training offered to alternative settings where necessary

Oaklands College governing body details can be found via the link below

Oaklands College Corporation Members