In October of Year 7 students have baseline assessments in all subjects. CATS Year 7 tests are also administered, which give information about students with respect to non verbal skills, maths skills, vocabulary, speed of processing etc. This helps the school identify areas of strength and difficulties. In May Year 6 students may sit SATS papers in Reading, Spelling and Grammar and Maths.
At several points throughout each school year, students are assessed on their reading ability, speech and language assessments, listening assessments and personal and social development skills. They are also assessed in termly to show progress in not only the core subjects, English, maths and science, but in all subjects. Their progress is analysed and individual interventions planned and delivered where beneficial. A student’s progress is reported to parents termly. These reports show whether the student is on target and also shows a flight path of a predicted grade at the end of KS4. This prediction is not set in stone and often changes during the student’s time at school. This ensures a smooth transition into Key Stage 4 and also informs of any intervention required to keep students on track.
Students are also assessed under the broad areas of need for their Education Health and Care Plan using the BANS descriptors based on the targets set for the year. Knightsfield have also included independence as an area of need due to this being identified as a specific area that our students need to focus on.