We teach a broad and balanced curriculum with emphasis on meeting the needs of each child. Our students are taught in small groups by specialist subject teachers who are also qualified teachers of the deaf. Class sizes are usually up to 8 students. Activities are differentiated to ensure that our students can learn effectively and with enjoyment. Students work towards recognised qualifications, including Entry Level Certificates and GCSEs in both key stages according to ability.

Our curriculum for Year 6 to Year 9 includes English, maths, science, ICT and computing, music, religious education, design and technology, German, geography, history, personal social health and citizenship (PSHCE), drama (by a LAMDA trained teacher) and PE. Additionally, Year 6 have swimming lessons as part of the national curriculum. There are opportunities for supported integration on a part-time basis, in a variety of subjects. These include art in Key Stage 3.

At key stage 4 in Years 10 and 11, the curriculum offer is broad and balanced. Subjects include: English, maths, science, ICT, D&T, humanities, and PSHCE at GCSE or Entry Level. One or two options can also be selected in Monk’s Walk School from art, drama, music, PE GCSE or Level 2 vocational courses including food, music, technology and sports leaders (at Knightsfield).

Intensive daily language and listening programmes are delivered to all students in addition to English lessons to improve reading, listening and literacy skills. We address the four areas of need identified in the 2014 Code of Practice. This includes art therapy, Lego therapy, brain training activities and activities to develop reasoning, social communication and listening and language skills.

In addition, we have themed days during the year when we teach creative Thinking Skills, music workshops, and enterprise skills. Every summer we have an Activities Week during which students may visit famous places and take part in enterprise activities and have a sports afternoon.

Please note that if you have any further questions or require any additional information on the curriculum, these can be directed to our Deputy Head, Mr Bidwell – dbidwell@knightsfield.herts.sch.uk


Reading Strategy