On March 20th we welcomed the Job Centre into our school. They led a CV workshop and mock interviews for our Yr 11 and 12 students. They learned how to write a CV, its structure and what should they put in each paragraph.  Students were also told what not to include to their CVs. They were shown different examples of CVs and asked to match them with suitable jobs. Before interview sessions they were mostly focused on skills section and how to present them. Students were asked to think about different situations they used their skills in and out of school.  They were asked how their hobbies could be beneficial to provide a good example in an interview.

During the whole session students were focused, showed interest and answered all the questions.

The mock interviews went well too. Students talked about themselves and gave really good positive answers. We heard them talking about communication skills and leadership, their experience being sport leaders at school.

The feedback from the students was very positive, so hopefully, this will help them in preparing for their future. One of the Yr 12 students said: ” “Interviews were quite realistic. And it was useful experience. It helps to prepare to real interviews in the future.”